上海政治经济报告(英文)(1842-1943) 清晰PDF电子版下载

上海政治经济报告(英文)(1842-1943) 清晰电子版

书名:Shanghai : political and economic reports, 1842-1943 : British government records from the international city.

作者:Robert L.Jarman             出版机构:Archive Editions            出版时间:2008

格式:PDF                                              容量:4.14GB

The remarkable and durable institution of the International Settlement allowed the British to report in detail on political and economic matters in Shanghai and China. This collection of primary documents, establishes a comprehensive series of despatches, in the main from the British consul in Shanghai to the British ambassador to China based usually in Peking, but in the 1930s based in Shanghai itself. The form and extent of communications vary during the period, and include annual reports and trade returns, judicial reviews, despatches on topics of interest and telegrams on urgent matters. After 1920 series of quarterly political reports and six-monthly intelligence summaries are initiated, and some other irregular periodic reports emerge. There is regular information on the government of the Settlement, and reports on the opium trade; there are extended reports, in 1856, on the continuing Taiping Rebellion, and later, reports on the Sino-Japanese war over the control of Korea; from 1901-11 reports include: the Boxer Rebellion; commentary on the French settlement; anti-government conspirators in Shanghai; the Russo-Japanese war; the Shanghai tramway system; the bubonic plague in Shanghai; the Chinese revolution of 1911-12; British intelligence reports on German activities, 1914-18; and in the mid-1920s telegrams reflect the impact of the civil war in China, and report “the Shanghai incident”. The collection of documents ends with the winding up of the Settlement under wartime Japanese occupation, and numerous papers in 1942 carry discussion of this conclusion.


特别有东亚-东南亚档案合辑,全面展示中国(1911-1970)、上海(1842-1943)、香港(1841-1941)、台湾(1861-1960)以及日本、韩国、马六甲海峡等的政治经济报告。——摘自Cambridge Archive Editions 剑桥档案编研数据库简介。

Volume 1 introduction and reports for 1839-1846.pdf265.2M

Volume 12. 1914-1920.pdf258.9M

Volume 17.1931-1935.pdf222.4M

Volume 4. 1857-1862.pdf229.1M

Volume 10. 1894-1899.pdf203.5M

Volume 8. 1879-1883.pdf229.6M

Volume 9. 1884-1893.pdf263.1M

Volume 16. 1928-1930.pdf182.3M

Volume 15. 1927.pdf160.1M

Volume 5. 1863-1866.pdf328.2M

Volume 6. 1867-1873.pdf263.5M

Volume 14. 1925-1926.pdf162.6M

Volume 11. 1900-1913.pdf192.9M

Volume 2. 1847-1852.pdf264M

Volume 7. 1874-1878.pdf252.6M

Volume 13. 1921-1924.pdf277.6M

Volume 3.1853-1856.pdf271.1M

Volume 18.1936-1943.pdf197.9M

Author: gujiziliao